30 Day Goal Challenge

We are launching soon!

This course goes beyond theory and inspiration. You’ll start to actually enjoy setting goals and taking the most effective actions to achieve them and feel successful. In this 6-part course, you will learn: 

  • specific strategies to create a clear plan so you can achieve your goals in every area of your life specific, 
  • step-by-step techniques on how to set and achieve goals how to take advantage of the everyday technologies, such as your smartphone and laptop, that you already use to help you create an effective GPS (goals, plans, success) life map. for your life

 Setting goals will never look the same again.

MODULE 1: Why set goals?

In this module, you will learn:

  • The benefits of goal setting
  • The research that supports setting goals
  • What has been stopping you from setting goals 

Module 2: Setting Goals that Align with What You Value

In this module, you will: 

  • Learn how to align your goals with what you value
  • Use Jennifer’s free tool to rank and chart the areas that you value most 
  • What sets apart good goals from GREAT goals
  • How to evaluate whether the goals you set/or have set in the past are perfect for who you are

MODULE 3: Goals that Help You Grow

In this module, you will:

  • Learn the importance of being present, along with tips to help you be more present
  • Learn the importance of setting some goals that will help you to achieve more than you believe that you can

MODULE 4: Writing SMART Goals

In this module, you will:

  • Learn how to create actionable goals that align with what you value most
  • Follow a method of writing goals that will help you to progress towards successfully meeting your goals
  • Access Jennifer’s instructional videos, with step-by-step instructions on using a specific and FREE digital resources to create help you achieve your goals

MODULE 5: Success with Visualization

In this module, you will:

  • Learn about how vision boards can help you succeed in achieving your goals
  • Using meditation to achieve your goals (iphone apps; www.insighttimer.com)
  • Record a personalized meditation for people to download
  • Access Jennifer’s instructional videos, with step-by-step instructions on using specific and FREE digital resources to create your vision board

MODULE 6: Maintenance

In this module, you will:

  • How to stay on track with your goals even when you want to give up
  • How to stay organized with your goals even if you think you’re disorganized
  • What to do to keep moving forward even if you think you are a “procrastinator” 


Enroll today and get a FREE 20 minute call where you can ask Jennifer your biggest questions on creating and achieving your goals.

Is there something that you have been wanting to do, but don't know where to start?

Subscribe to join the FREE 30 Day Goals Challenge with Jennifer.

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