
Maybe it is because I am a professor, but I am a HUGE advocate of lifelong learning.   I get so excited to learn new things, and I feel like there is so much information available on a variety of topics.

Podcasts are on of my favorite ways to learn new things.   While I am personally a junkie for tech and business based podcasts, you can find a podcasts on vitually anything you can imagine.   Maybe you want to learn about investing? cooking? relationships? leadership? public speaking?   Well, you are in luck; there is a Podcast for all of these topics, and more!

For instance, I had my college students do an online market research activity that required that students investigate resources for individuals wanting to start a niche business.   They came up with some creative ideas and were able to find podcasts on topics that included topics that included fly fishing, food trucks, beer, cooking, etc.

The easy access and cost (FREE) of podcasts make it easy to understand why podcasts are growing in popularity.   In 2013, the Pew Research Center found that 25% of internet users were downloading podcasts.    I can only imagine that this percentage has and will continue to grow!

podcastsI have an iPhone so I subscribe and listen to podcast through Apple’s Podcast App.   The app makes it easy to search for and subscribe to podcasts on almost any imaginable topic.

However, if you don’t have an iOS device, you are not left out.   Even though feedlyAndroid doesn’t have a dedicated podcast app yet, there are MANY options for listening to podcasts.   Some podcasts stream live off the website; or, apps like Feedly and PodcastAddict are available that allow you to subscribe.

PS.   If your curious about my favorite podcasts, visit my section on PodCast reviews.


Glambition Radio: Podcast Featuring Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs and Authors

glambitionA few years ago, my news feed showed that one of my Facebook friends was frequently commenting on pictures of a pregnant woman who was very “glam” for her final stages of pregnancy.  (The woman was often photographed somewhere very dressed up, wearing heels higher than I wear when I am not pregnant.)  Curious as to who this woman was, I clicked the link to discover that the woman was Ali Brown, a coach for woman business owners.

Intrigued, I started following Ali Brown myself.   After all, I am a woman business owner.

Last year, I took an online course with Ali Brown.  I also joined her Elevate program for (mostly) female entrepreneurs for a year.   I found her to be a positive individual who has a knack for motivating business owners to forge forward and preserve with their businesses.

While in Ms. Brown’s program, I started listening to her podcast, Glambition Radio (iOS).   Today, even though I am no longer in Ms. Brown’s program, I still faithfully listen to the podcast.

I enjoy the podcast because she chooses interesting guests.   She has interviewed people ranging from Kim Kiyosaki, whose husband Robert is well known for his Rich Dad, Poor Dad fame, to a business owner who is on a mission to legalize marijuana.   She has also interviewed several authors of inspirational books such as Laura Berman Fortgang (Now What? Revised Edition; 90 Days to a New Life Direction), Gretchen Rubin (Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives), Marci Shimoff (Happy for No Reason:  7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out), and Jenny Fenig (Get Gutsy; A Sacred, Fearless Guide for Finding Your Soul’s Calling and Living Your Dream).   (Since I enjoyed many of the author’s interviews, I have subsequently read some of the books that were discussed in the podcasts.)

The Glambition Podcast has actually been ranked in the top audio podcasts, next to the likes of Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman during certain times.)  If you enjoy listening to the stories of female entrepreneurs, I would suggest giving the Glambition Podcast a try,